In this article we’ll give a query to list all Key Flexfields (KFFs) available in Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS).
A flexfield is a flexible data field that your organization can customize to your business needs without programming.A key flexfield is a field you can customize to enter multi-segment values such as part numbers, account numbers, and so on.
KFF List
KFF Code | KFF Name | Application Name |
GL# | Accounting Flexfield | General Ledger |
GLLE | GL Ledger Flexfield | General Ledger |
GLAT | Reporting Attributes:Accountin | General Ledger |
KEY# | Asset Key Flexfield | Assets |
CAT# | Category Flexfield | Assets |
LOC# | Location Flexfield | Assets |
RLOC | Sales Tax Location Flexfield | Receivables |
CT# | Territory Flexfield | Receivables |
ZX# | eBTax Context Flexfield | E-Business Tax |
FEAC | Activity Flexfield | Enterprise Performance Foundation |
FECO | Cost Object Flexfield | Enterprise Performance Foundation |
MDSP | Account Aliases | Inventory |
MICG | Item Catalogs | Inventory |
MCAT | Item Categories | Inventory |
MKTS | Sales Orders | Inventory |
SERV | Service Items | Inventory |
MTLL | Stock Locators | Inventory |
MSTK | System Items | Inventory |
FII# | Management Flexfield | Financial Intelligence |
FWK | FWK Item Flexfield | Common Modules-AK |
CAGR | CAGR Flexfield | Human Resources |
CMP | Competence Flexfield | Human Resources |
GRD | Grade Flexfield | Human Resources |
ICX | Item Contexts Keyflex | Human Resources |
JOB | Job Flexfield | Human Resources |
PEA | Personal Analysis Flexfield | Human Resources |
POS | Position Flexfield | Human Resources |
SCL | Soft Coded KeyFlexfield | Human Resources |
BANK | Bank Details KeyFlexField | Payroll |
COST | Cost Allocation Flexfield | Payroll |
GRP | People Group Flexfield | Payroll |
RES | Training Resources | Learning Management |
AHLO | AHL Operation | Complex Maintenance Repair and Overhaul |
AHLR | AHL Route | Complex Maintenance Repair and Overhaul |
ACCT | Account Structure | Asia/Pacific Localizations |
BPS | PSB Position Flexfield | Public Sector Budgeting |
GRP# | Group Asset | Capital Resource Logistics – Assets |
SGP# | Super Group | Capital Resource Logistics – Assets |
Here is the query to list all key flexfields in oracle apps
SELECT fif.id_flex_code ,fap.application_short_name ,fapt.application_name ,fif.id_flex_name ,fif.description ,fif.application_table_name ,fif.unique_id_column_name ,fif.set_defining_column_name ,fif.concatenated_segs_view_name ,fif.dynamic_inserts_feasible_flag ,fif.allow_id_valuesets ,fif.index_flag ,fif.application_id ,fif.table_application_id ,fif.last_update_login FROM fnd_id_flexs fif, fnd_application fap, fnd_application_tl fapt WHERE fif.application_id = fap.application_id AND fap.application_id = fapt.application_id AND fapt.language = userenv ('LANG') ORDER BY application_id, id_flex_name;
And below is a sample of data set you will get: