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In this tutorial, we will explain how to use Python string isdigit() method with basic syntax by example for better understanding.
The String isdigit() method returns True if all the characters of the string are digit; otherwise, it returns False.
Input Parameters:
- string_value / String variable : The string that we want to check whether it’s digit or not.
Python Check String is digit
We can check the string value it’s digit or not by simply using the isdigit() method. It means the string value contains only digits. one example of a digit value is “1234” and a non-digit value is “1234.22”.
Example (1)
#Print the result of isdigit() method
print ('String variable is a digit:', num.isdigit())
Output of example (1)
String is a digit: True
In the above example, string variable ‘num’ includes numbers so when we checked the digit data type of it by num.isdigit() in print statement then it shows the result as True.
Example (2)
#Print the result of isdigit() method
print('String is a digit:','1234.22'.isdigit())
Output of example (2)
String is a digit: False
In the above example, string variable ‘num’ includes numbers so when we checked the digit data type of it by num.isdigit() in print statement then it shows the result as False.
In this tutorial, you have learned the string isdigit() method in Python. What is it? And how to check whether the string value is a digit or not.
Hopefully, it was clear and concise.
If you have an inquiry or doubt, don’t hesitate to leave them in a comment. We are waiting for your valuable feedback.
Similar Python String Checking Methods:
- isalnum() : It returns True if all the characters of the string are alphanumeric; otherwise, it returns False.
- isnumeric() : It returns True if all the characters of the string are numeric; otherwise, it returns False.
- isdecimal() : It returns True if all the characters of the string are decimal; otherwise, it returns False.
- isalpha() : It returns True if all the string characters are the alphabet; otherwise, it returns False.
- islower() : It returns True if all the string characters are in lowercase; otherwise, it returns False.
- isupper() : It returns False if all the string characters are in an uppercase; otherwise, it returns False.
- isspace() : It returns True if all the characters of a string are whitespace; otherwise, it returns False.
- istitle() : It returns True if all the string words are properly “title cased”; otherwise, it returns False.
- startswith() : It returns True if the string starts with a given substring between the given start and end index; otherwise, it returns False.
- endswith() : It returns True if the string ends with a given substring between start and end index; otherwise, it returns False.
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