Introduction: In oracle HRMS there are two kind of unique identifier for employee Employee ...
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Create SIT API in oracle HRMS
Create SIT API in oracle HRMS
Introduction: Special Information Types (SIT) can use to capture additional person information.Its a KFF ( Keyflexfield ) called (Personal ...
API to create ap supplier in oracle apps r12
API to create ap supplier in oracle apps r12
API to update work request in oracle apps
API to update work request in oracle apps
API to create employee in oracle apps R12
API to create employee in oracle apps R12
Today we'll give an example for " API to create employee in oracle apps R12 " API we are using ...
Oracle HRMS Update Person API
Oracle HRMS Update Person API
Oracle HRMS Update Person API Today we will update the person specially Suffix and Status fields in enter and maintain ...
Table Registration with Application Interface (API)
Table Registration with Application Interface (API)
We can register the Table using Application DBA Data Definitions (AD_DD)
Package from the Back End. You can also use the AD_DD API to delete the registrations
of tables and columns from Oracle Application Object Library tables. To alter a
registration you should first delete the registration, and then re register the table or
column. You should delete the column registration first, then the table registration,you should run the AD_DD procedures against the APPS schema. You must commit your changes for them to take effect.
API to Create Person Extra Information Types EIT
API to Create Person Extra Information Types EIT
Today we will explain by example how to create person extra information in ORACLE EBS HRMS by using standard API (hr_person_extra_info_api.create_person_extra_info), but first, ...
API to update EAM Asset Numbers
API to update EAM Asset Numbers
ORA-20001: FLEX-ID Does Not Exist Error when calling HR_Personal_Pay_Method_Api .Create_Personal_Pay_Method API
ORA-20001: FLEX-ID Does Not Exist Error when calling HR_Personal_Pay_Method_Api .Create_Personal_Pay_Method API
When Calling HR_Personal_Pay_Method_Api.Create_Personal_Pay_Method it errors with the following: ORA-20001: FLEX-ID Does Not Exist Cause : This is caused by ...