I want to know what is actually String [] args in java programming language.
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could you please someone explain briefly What is relational database management system ? OR what is the meaning of RDBMS?
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How to open custom.pll in form builder? may be simple question but i am unable to open custom.pll into form builder it gives me a lot of errors. Thanks in advance
When approving an internal requisition the following error appears : ORA-00976 LEVEL,PRIOR, or ROWNUM not allowed here in Package PO_DOCUMENT_CHECKS_PVT Procedure CHECK_REQUISITIONS.
What is reflection, and why is it useful? I'm particularly interested in Java, but I assume the principles are the same in any language
BELOW IS THE CODE AM USING:Am getting the error:"There exist uncompiled objects in the report" declare v_rep varchar2(1000):='a'; v_rep_status varchar2(1000):='a'; v_url varchar2(1000):=''; rep_status VARCHAR2(100); repid REPORT_OBJECT; thelist paramlist; begin thelist := get_parameter_list('rep_paramlist'); if not id_null(thelist) then destroy_parameter_list(thelist); end if; thelist := CREATE_PARAMETER_LIST('rep_paramlist'); ADD_PARAMETER(thelist, 'PARAMFORM',TEXT_PARAMETER,'NO'); ADD_PARAMETER(thelist, ...