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How to open a PDF output directly when click of a SubmitButton in OAF ?
Hi Waqas, it's applicable by using Standard API [code]fnd_webfile.get_url (file_type => fnd_webfile.request_out, -- for output file. Use request_log to view log file ID => l_request_id, gwyuid => l_gwyuid, two_task => l_two_task, expire_time => 500 -- minutes, security!. );[/code] notRead more
Hi Waqas,
it’s applicable by using Standard API
(file_type => fnd_webfile.request_out,
— for output file. Use request_log to view log file
ID => l_request_id,
gwyuid => l_gwyuid,
two_task => l_two_task,
expire_time => 500 — minutes, security!.
note : there are two profile options this API must take as following
l_gwyuid : Gateway User ID
l_two_task: Two Task(TWO_TASK)
you can register out parameter of calling this API to String variable then use
Hope this helpful 🙂
How to Put session parameter on link oracle OAF ?
Hello Aashish, There are three common means of passing parameters between pages : Request Transaction Session and you can use VO attributes for passing values Values stored in VO attributes are available in all pages within the transaction with same Root AM. URL Parameters : Encryption and EncodingRead more
Hello Aashish,
There are three common means of passing parameters between pages :
and you can use VO attributes for passing values
Values stored in VO attributes are available in all pages within the transaction with same Root AM.
URL Parameters : Encryption and Encoding
When we are passing parameters in URL, following need to be considered:
See less{@Attr} – encodes. Changes Prince Kapoor to Prince%20Kapoor
{!Attr} – encrypts. Encrypts sensitive information.
{$Attr} – plain token substitution (no encoding or encryption)
{@@RETURN_TO_MENU} – Used for E-Business Suite Personal Home Page. Same as OAWebBeanConstants.RETURN_TO_MENU_URL.
{@@RETURN_TO_PORTAL} – Return the user to a launching Portal page. Same as OAWebBeanConstants.RETURN_TO_PORTAL_URL.
How to query a CLOB column in Oracle SQL ?
Hi Albert, You can use DBMS_LOB.substr like this for example: DBMS_LOB.substr(column, 3000) but don't forget that substring of a CLOB column has size/buffer restrictions sometimes you would need to set the BUFFER to a larger size. For example while using SQL Plus use the SET BUFFER 10000 to set it tRead more
Hi Albert,
You can use DBMS_LOB.substr like this for example:
but don’t forget that substring of a CLOB column has size/buffer restrictions sometimes you would need to set the BUFFER to a larger size.
For example while using SQL Plus use the SET BUFFER 10000 to set it to 10000 as the default is 4000
and you can refer to Oracle Substr Function Article for more information about the substr function
See lessError ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended – update
hello, here you can find the cause and action to correct your statement : Cause: The SQL statement ends with an inappropriate clause. For example, an ORDER BY clause may have been included in a CREATE VIEW or INSERT statement. ORDER BY cannot be used to create an ordered view or to insert in a certaRead more
here you can find the cause and action to correct your statement :
Cause: The SQL statement ends with an inappropriate clause. For example, an ORDER BY clause may have been included in a CREATE VIEW or INSERT statement. ORDER BY cannot be used to create an ordered view or to insert in a certain order.
Action: Correct the syntax by removing the inappropriate clauses. It may be possible to duplicate the removed clause with another SQL statement. For example, to order the rows of a view, do so when querying the view and not when creating it. This error can also occur in SQL*Forms applications if a continuation line is indented. Check for indented lines and delete these spaces.
you can use :
UPDATE employees e
SET e.last_name = ‘test’
WHERE e.department_id = (SELECT d.department_id
FROM departments d
WHERE d.department_id = e.department_id);
Return more than one row from stored procedure in pl/sql
hello aya, as you know the procedure you can't use inside query so if you need to create procedure to return multiple row or values you can use : create or replace procedure myprocedure(retval in out sys_refcursor) is begin open retval for select employee_id,last_name from employees; end myprocedureRead more
hello aya,
as you know the procedure you can’t use inside query so if you need to create procedure to return multiple row or values you can use :
create or replace procedure myprocedure(retval in out sys_refcursor) is
open retval for
select employee_id,last_name from employees;
end myprocedure;
and here you can call procedure inside anonymous pl/sql block :
employee_id employees.employee_id%TYPE;
last_name employees.last_name%TYPE;
myprocedure (myrefcur);
FETCH myrefcur INTO employee_id,last_name;
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Employee Id: ‘ || employee_id || ‘ Last Name: ‘|| last_name);
CLOSE myrefcur;
hope this help.
See lessHow to Create the TKPROF Trace File in oracle ?
Hello , Solution : For the TKPROF a) tkprof rawtrace.trc output_file explain=apps/apps/sort=(exeela,fchela) sys=no b) rawtrace.trc: Name of trace file output_file: tkprof out file explain: This option provides the explain plan for the SQL statements sort: This provides the sort criteria in which allRead more
Hello ,
Solution :
a) tkprof rawtrace.trc output_file explain=apps/apps/sort=(exeela,fchela) sys=no
b) rawtrace.trc: Name of trace file
output_file: tkprof out file
explain: This option provides the explain plan for the SQL statements
sort: This provides the sort criteria in which all SQL statements will be sorted. This will bring the bad SQL at the top of the outputfile.
sys=no: Disables SQL statements issued by user SYS
Regards ,
Mahmoud Morsy
See lessHow to see lock on table and query?
Hi Mina , Try this query : [code] SELECT c.owner, c.object_name, c.object_type, b.sid, b.serial#, b.status, b.osuser, b.machine FROM v$locked_object a, v$session b, dba_objects c WHERE b.sid = a.session_id AND a.object_id = c.object_id AND xidsqn != 0; [/code] Regards , Mahmoud Morsy
Hi Mina ,
Try this query :
SELECT c.owner,
FROM v$locked_object a, v$session b, dba_objects c
WHERE b.sid = a.session_id AND a.object_id = c.object_id AND xidsqn != 0;
Regards ,
Mahmoud Morsy
See lessWhat is the difference between schema and user ?
SCOTT is a schema that includes the EMP, DEPT and BONUS tables with various grants, and other stuff. SYS is a schema that includes tons of tables, views, grants, etc etc etc. SYSTEM is a schema..... Technically -- A schema is the set of metadata (data dictionary) used by the database, typicalRead more
SCOTT is a schema that includes the EMP, DEPT and BONUS tables with various grants, and other stuff.
SYS is a schema that includes tons of tables, views, grants, etc etc etc.
SYSTEM is a schema…..
Technically — A schema is the set of metadata (data dictionary) used by the database, typically generated using DDL. A schema defines attributes of the database, such as tables, columns, and properties. A database schema is a description of the data in a database.
See lessI need query to get Apps_user_name , Date , SID , SERIAL#, oracle process , application process , Module , responsibility name in EBS R12.
Hello , The below query help you : select usr.user_name apps_username ,ses.osuser ,ses.machine ,i.first_connect "First Connect Date" ,ses.sid ,ses.serial# ,ses.module ,v.spid "Oracle Server Process" ,ses.process "Application Server Process" ,rsp.responsibility_name "Responsibility Name" ,null "RespoRead more
Hello ,
The below query help you :
select usr.user_name apps_username
,i.first_connect "First Connect Date"
,v.spid "Oracle Server Process"
,ses.process "Application Server Process"
,rsp.responsibility_name "Responsibility Name"
,null "Responsibility Start Time"
,fuc.function_name "Function Name"
,i.function_type "Function Type"
,i.last_connect function_start_time
from icx_sessions i
,fnd_logins l
,fnd_appl_sessions a
,fnd_user usr
,fnd_responsibility_tl rsp
,fnd_form_functions fuc
,gv$process v
,gv$session ses
where i.disabled_flag = 'N'
and i.login_id = l.login_id
and l.end_time is null
and i.user_id = usr.user_id
and l.login_id = a.login_id
and a.audsid = ses.audsid
and =
and l.serial# = v.serial#
and i.responsibility_application_id = rsp.application_id(+)
and i.responsibility_id = rsp.responsibility_id(+)
and i.function_id = fuc.function_id(+)
and i.responsibility_id not in (select t1.responsibility_id
from fnd_login_responsibilities t1
where t1.login_id = l.login_id)
and rsp.language(+) = 'US'
select usr.user_name apps_username
,null function_start_time
from fnd_logins l
,fnd_login_responsibilities r
,fnd_user usr
,fnd_responsibility_tl rsp
,gv$process v
,gv$session ses
where l.end_time is null
and l.user_id = usr.user_id
and =
and l.serial# = v.serial#
and v.addr = ses.paddr
and l.login_id = r.login_id(+)
and r.end_time is null
and r.responsibility_id = rsp.responsibility_id(+)
and r.resp_appl_id = rsp.application_id(+)
and rsp.language(+) = 'US'
and r.audsid = ses.audsid
select usr.user_name
,f.start_time function_start_time
from fnd_logins l
,fnd_login_resp_forms f
,fnd_user usr
,fnd_form_tl frm
,fnd_form_functions ff
,gv$process v
,gv$session ses
where l.end_time is null
and l.user_id = usr.user_id
and =
and l.serial# = v.serial#
and v.addr = ses.paddr
and l.login_id = f.login_id(+)
and f.end_time is null
and f.form_id = frm.form_id(+)
and f.form_appl_id = frm.application_id(+)
and frm.language(+) = 'US'
and f.audsid = ses.audsid
and ff.form_id = frm.form_id
order by function_start_time
Mahmoud Morsy
See lessHow to check Archive log sequence in Oracle DB 11g?
Hi, Use the below query : [code] SELECT * FROM v$archived_log ORDER BY stamp DESC [/code] Regards, Mahmoud Morsy
Use the below query :
FROM v$archived_log
Mahmoud Morsy
See less