hello guys, please help me to know what is concatenation symbol in plsql.
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i want to show elapsed time for specific operation done by user and print it to be in readable format like : 05 Mins 40 Seconds.
Please i need FNDLOAD command to download and upload messages from one instances to another. thanks in advance.
for example I have one table with unique constraint on ID column and it has values like this : ID Name 1 test and I want to catch and handle unique constraint exception. thanks
I have a query and I want to use if statement inside where clause like this : [code] SELECT e.first_name, e.last_name, e.status FROM employees e WHERE IF status_flag = STATUS_ACTIVE then e.status = 'A' IF status_flag = STATUS_INACTIVE then e.status = 'T' IF source_flag = SOURCE_FUNCTION then e.business_unit = ...
hello, I'm using Oracle 10gR2 and i want to know what's the differences between both because I take a look at the documentation and i find out there no differences. any suggestions will be appreciated.
Hi, I need a sample for using sys_connect_by_path in sql query please regards,
hello experts, what i want is : query to display 'job' & their counts & then display the no. of distinct 'dept no' under each 'job' & their counts ? consider i have these dataset : SQL> select * from dept; DEPTNO DNAME LOC ---------- -------------- ...