I have two tables one ordinary table and other is log of this table test_table test_tab_log I want to insert new row in the log table for each insert statement executed for basic table even if there is rollback executed. simply every row inserted in the base table ...
Oraask Latest Questions
hello can I use select inside if statement like : begin if (select count(*) from employees) >= 15 then do something; end if; end; note : I want to delete rows from table where above condition evaluates with true
I have a PL/SQL procedure to update a number of rows in a table. is there is there any way to know the number of rows updated by update statement executed inside my procedure?
I want to raise user defined exception but with custom exception error message something like this : DECLARE ex_custom EXCEPTION; BEGIN RAISE ex_custom; EXCEPTION WHEN ex_custom THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); END; The output is "User-Defined Exception" ...
I want to create a stored procedure with one parameter which will return multiple rows based on parameter value. how can i do this ?
hello, Ii got an error when I want to use my directory created inside UTL_FILE.FOPEN invalid directory path within the procedure to open a certain file on my local machine.