When trying to consume CreateEmployee SOAP Web service in Oracle E-Business Suite R12 from SOAPUI, the following error occurs:
<faultcode>wsse:InvalidSecurity</faultcode> <faultstring>Missing <wsse:Security> in SOAP Header</faultstring>
And here is the steps I followed in order to consume the web service:
- Generate WSDL file in ISG (Integrated SOA Gateway)
- Deployed the service
- Create required Grant to appropriate user
- Do the rest of the steps on the SOAPUI Application
Hopefully, somebody can help me.
Many thanks for considering my request.
This error message due to security token is missing in the SOAP Header section. To solve this issue you have to enter the security token as follows:
1- Open SOAP project
2- put the following security token right after SOAP Header section of the request body
Note: You have to change both (YourUserName & YourPassword) to the appropriate username and password that is authenticated to call the webservice.
3- Save the project and call the service again.
Another easy way to do this is :
1- Open SOAP Project
2- Right click on the request body in any black space and choose “Add WSS Username Token“
3- Choose Password Text from the drop down list of Add WSS Username Token Field, then click OK.
4- this option will take the username and password automatically from Auth which you set earlier.
5- Save the project and test the issue again, it should be resolved.
Note: If you go for the second solution you should enter authentication first.