I need query to get Apps_user_name , Date , SID , SERIAL#, oracle process , application process , Module , responsibility name in EBS R12.
I need query to get Apps_user_name , Date , SID , SERIAL#, oracle process , application process , Module , responsibility name in EBS R12.
Hello ,
The below query help you :
select usr.user_name apps_username
,i.first_connect "First Connect Date"
,v.spid "Oracle Server Process"
,ses.process "Application Server Process"
,rsp.responsibility_name "Responsibility Name"
,null "Responsibility Start Time"
,fuc.function_name "Function Name"
,i.function_type "Function Type"
,i.last_connect function_start_time
from icx_sessions i
,fnd_logins l
,fnd_appl_sessions a
,fnd_user usr
,fnd_responsibility_tl rsp
,fnd_form_functions fuc
,gv$process v
,gv$session ses
where i.disabled_flag = 'N'
and i.login_id = l.login_id
and l.end_time is null
and i.user_id = usr.user_id
and l.login_id = a.login_id
and a.audsid = ses.audsid
and l.pid = v.pid
and l.serial# = v.serial#
and i.responsibility_application_id = rsp.application_id(+)
and i.responsibility_id = rsp.responsibility_id(+)
and i.function_id = fuc.function_id(+)
and i.responsibility_id not in (select t1.responsibility_id
from fnd_login_responsibilities t1
where t1.login_id = l.login_id)
and rsp.language(+) = 'US'
select usr.user_name apps_username
,null function_start_time
from fnd_logins l
,fnd_login_responsibilities r
,fnd_user usr
,fnd_responsibility_tl rsp
,gv$process v
,gv$session ses
where l.end_time is null
and l.user_id = usr.user_id
and l.pid = v.pid
and l.serial# = v.serial#
and v.addr = ses.paddr
and l.login_id = r.login_id(+)
and r.end_time is null
and r.responsibility_id = rsp.responsibility_id(+)
and r.resp_appl_id = rsp.application_id(+)
and rsp.language(+) = 'US'
and r.audsid = ses.audsid
select usr.user_name
,f.start_time function_start_time
from fnd_logins l
,fnd_login_resp_forms f
,fnd_user usr
,fnd_form_tl frm
,fnd_form_functions ff
,gv$process v
,gv$session ses
where l.end_time is null
and l.user_id = usr.user_id
and l.pid = v.pid
and l.serial# = v.serial#
and v.addr = ses.paddr
and l.login_id = f.login_id(+)
and f.end_time is null
and f.form_id = frm.form_id(+)
and f.form_appl_id = frm.application_id(+)
and frm.language(+) = 'US'
and f.audsid = ses.audsid
and ff.form_id = frm.form_id
order by function_start_time
Mahmoud Morsy