Want to check If Oracle has provided PA_CUSTOMERS_ALL table in R12.
We need to see the customer address information saved for a Customer assigned to project.
We are aware of PA_PROJECT_CUSTOMERS table which has bill_to and Ship_to id and also we can join with HZ tables to get Customer Address. But our requirement is different. We want to check if the Customer Address assigned to Project/Contact is different than what is setup in Customer Master.
Because once you have saved the Customer Address in The Project Customer/Contacts form and then if someone changes the Address of the Customer in Customer Address then it does not automatically change in the Project Customer/Contact Screen. You need to manually open the Project and reselect the Address from the LOV in the Project Customer/Contact.
So if there is a table in Project which actually stores Project Customer Ship-To address then we can compare that address to the address in hz tables.
So looks like pa_customers_all is highlighted in some articles on the Internet but in out environment its not showing up.
There is a table called “PA_PROJECT_CONTACTS” its used to stores customer representatives involved with projects. Check this table it might help. The second idea would be to create an event alert on the customer address table once changed you can update the address that resides on the project by passing the new address ID. for sure the update process should be from standard API.
Note : I didn’t tried this before, Just to give you an insight that might help you in this regard.