i face this error when trying to create alert from alert manager
Oracle Alert Error – APP-ALR-04150 –
SELECT DISTINCT PAA.ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_ID ,PAA.ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPE_ID ,PAA.ABS_INFORMATION1 ,PAA.PERSON_ID ,PAPF.FULL_NAME FNA ,PAPF.EMAIL_ADDRESS EM ,PAA.REPLACEMENT_PERSON_ID ,PAPF1.FULL_NAME FNR ,PAA.AUTHORISING_PERSON_ID ,PAPF2.FULL_NAME FNAUT ,PAA.DATE_NOTIFICATION ,PAA.DATE_START ,'\ \\\\\\for a period of \\\\\\\' || PAA.ABSENCE_DAYS || '\\\\\\\ days up to\\\\\\\' ,PAA.DATE_END INTO &ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_ID ,&ABSENCE_ATTENDANCE_TYPE_ID ,&PAA.ABS_INFORMATION1 ,&PAA.PERSON_ID ,&PAPF.FULL_NAME fna , &papf.email_address em , &paa.replacement_person_id , &papf1.full_name fnr , &paa.authorising_person_id , &papf2.full_name fnaut , &date_notification , &date_start , &absence_days , &date_end from per_absence_attendances paa , per_all_people_f papf , per_all_people_f papf1 , per_all_people_f papf2 where 1=1 paa.absence_attendance_id =132128 and paa.person_id = papf.person_id and paa.REPLACEMENT_PERSON_ID = papf1.person_id(+) and paa.authorising_person_id = papf2.person_id(+) and trunc(sysdate) between papf.effective_start_date and papf.effective_end_date and trunc(sysdate) between papf1.effective_start_date and papf1.effective_end_date and trunc(sysdate) between papf2.effective_start_date and papf2.effective_end_date
Hello mahendra try this code now :
but in the next time you create a question could you please leave more details about what you are trying to do or the error text along with error code you face to be able to help you efficiently.