E-Business Suite – Payables Import Invoice API,
want to import invoices with multiple distributions.
For example – Invoice #INV1- Line 1 amount $500 – distributed to a/c 111111 $230
and distributed to a/c 22222 $270.
Is it possible via api?
For Non-Purchase Order invoices – I saw documentation to create distribution sets (which we don’t want to do). Additionally, we want for both invoices with Purchase Orders and invoices without the Purchase Orders.
I have project deadline, if someone can reply back soon will be helpful.
Thank you,
Unfortunately, you can’t achieve this kind of requirement without create a distribution set as per Oracle note Doc ID 1954890.1
Also currently there is no an API or interface table available to create a new distribution set from the backend. The only way is to create a temporary distribution set and delete it’s account distributions once you have done from your task.
If you go with creating distribution set you have to pass either distribution_set_id or distribution_set_name while populating “ap_invoice_lines_interface” interface table.